Dynamic Safety will provide a range of ecological services which primarily involve the Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA’s) for development projects which comprises the undertaking of a combination of bespoke surveys (depending on the site/planning requirements). For more informtion read on or get in touch with us

The assessments include and begin with a desktop study which involves a search for statutory and non-statutory designated sites ecologically connected to and/or within 10 km of the application site, notable and protected species records within relevant reporting grid squares containing the application site and non-statutory designated sites, ancient and semi-ancient woodlands within 1 km of the application site.

Pending completion of the desktop study a standard Phase I Habitat Survey methodology developed by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) is undertaken. JNCC (2010) is the standard system used to rapidly record, categorise and map habitats over large areas of countryside. Habitats are mapped using standard colour codes and target notes are used to describe any features of ecological or natural heritage importance.

From this Phase 1, the suitability of a site is assessed for significant ecological findings and depending on the findings further assessments are then carried out through Phase 2 JNCC surveys which are undertaken across a wide range of habitats including wet & dry heath, blanket bog, woodland, grassland and wetlands and can these surveys can comprise of birds, otters, butterflies, bats etc.

Dynamic Environmental undertake the full range of environmental/ecological assessments as below:


  • Invasive Species
  • Bat Surveys & Monitoring
  • Otter Surveys
  • Breeding Bird Habitat Surveys & Monitoring
  • Badger Surveys & Monitoring
  • Marsh Fritillary Butterfly Survey
  • Newts Surveys & Monitoring
  • Groundwater Sampling & Monitoring
  • Water Sampling & Monitoring
  • Soil Sampling & Monitoring
  • Site Suitability Assessment of small waste treatment plants (discharge licence application)
  • Dust Monitoring & Analysis
  • Noise Impact Assessment (Commercial)

All Studies are undertaken in line with statutory guidelines and with statutory consultation where required, all water sampling is subject to UKAS accredited laboratories and best practice chain of custody procedures.

Anon (2005) Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan – Purple Moor grass and Rush Pasture, Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Belfast.

CIEEM (2013) Guidelines for Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, Technical Guidance Series, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, Winchester.

CIEEM (2015) Guidelines for Ecological Report Writing, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, Winchester.

CIEEM (2016a) Guidelines for Ecological Impact Assessment in the UK and Ireland: Terrestrial, Freshwater and Coastal, 2nd edition. Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, Winchester.

CIEEM (2016b) Code of Professional Conduct, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, Winchester.

Collins J (ed.) (2016) Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists: Good Practice Guidelines (3rd edn). The Bat Conservation Trust, London. ISBN-13 978-1-872745-96-1

JNCC (2010) Handbook for Phase 1 habitat survey โ€“ a technique for environmental audit, 5th Revised Reprint, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough.

Northern Ireland Environment Agency (2015) Standing Advice No.15 (Bats): Advice for planning officers and applicants seeking planning permission for land which may impact on Bats, Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Belfast.

Northern Ireland Environment Agency (2012) NIEA, Natural Heritage, Development Management TeamAdvice Note: Active Peatland and PPS 18, Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Belfast.

Woodland Trust (2006) Back on the Map: An inventory of ancient and long established woodland for Northern Ireland, Woodland Trust, Bangor.